Auffie’s Random Thoughts

Monday, June 28, 2010

Robert Byrd, RIP

I don't know how big his estate is, but his heirs will most likely benefit from not having to pay estate taxes (2010 only!). According to this site, he voted against making the repeal of estate taxes permanent.

Ouch! (Follow the link to the picture in this post of Nordlinger's.)

Wednesday, June 09, 2010

The Hayek Revival

Friedrich A. Hayek's Road to Serfdom is on Amazon's No. 1. I think it should be required reading for voters. In fact, I think we should require all Americans to read this book and pass a test on its contents before granting them the right to vote.

Friday, June 04, 2010

Brit's NHS will cut to save costs

according to this story on the Daily Mail.

Will this be the logical ending of ObamaCare? Nah, President Obama is so much smarter than the Brits, that it's impossible that his system will fail like theirs.
