Auffie’s Random Thoughts

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Cat's Eye USB 3560 External USB 2.0 ATSC TV Tuner

Bought this tuner for less than $10 at Microcenter today. It's an old model and was designed only for XP, but when I plugged it in to my Win7 laptop, Win7 found the driver and installed it automatically. After that, it worked perfectly. A nice addition to my exercise room.

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Wednesday, May 26, 2010

St. Barack

I am no expert on Orthodox iconography. But when I saw the picture on the front page of National Review Online today, I couldn't but notice this (I am sure I am not the first): Isn't the presidential seal behind President Obama uncannily like the halo that's featured over the saint's head in an icon?


Monday, May 24, 2010

Making too much money

Did not our President say that at some point you have made enough money? Could he please comment on these extravagant public pensions?