Auffie’s Random Thoughts

Monday, November 14, 2005

Who is politicizing the Iraq war?

Lefty Demos accuse George W. Bush of politicizing the war, and, yes, lying just so that America would go to war. But Norman Podhoretz’s article today should dispel those accusations—not that logic and facts ever convince madmen and -women.

Podhoretz recaps the statements of the Demos, some made even after the war had begun. Now, let us ask the question again: who are the ones politicizing the war? It appears that the BDS (Bush Derangement Syndrome, an illness characterized by a fundamental, irrational hatred of Bush) can cause these people to go nuts, reaiming their artillery from Saddam Hussein (as they had before) to Bush.

(UPDATE 2005-11-21): Mark Alexander has a column that also summarizes what the Demos were saying all along during the Clinton administration, contrasting with what they are saying now. If any word and deed should be regarded as politicizing the war, these are.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005


In American politics, “choice” has almost become synonymous with “abortion.” But when it comes to other issues, the leftists do not favor choice. They want everyone to do as they say.

Thus it baffles me why anyone (especially union members) would vote against California’s Proposition 75, which would prohibit unions from taking members’ money for political contributions without their consent. “Don’t silence our voice”? O please! You can contribute all your money the way you see fit, to Demo Leftists if you so desire. Proposition 75 does not prohibit you from doing that. But don’t silence others’ voice who disagree with you!