Watchdog for asterisk
There are several ports out of my old linux box that I can use to communicate to the outside world: a RS-232 serial port and a couple of USB ports. The RS-232 serial port is taken by the UPS, so it's out of consideration. USB is too complex and probably requires some expensive parts just to get started (cf. this article on
There is another possibility: the sound card. Since the server doesn't care for outputting music or other sounds, I can program a watchdog process to monitor asterisk and output a tone, say every minute. If the operating system crashes, there will be no such notification tones. A timer circuit can then turn on the relay to enable the vanilla telephone.
I'll need a LM567 (or equivalent) tone decoder and a 555 timer for this purpose. A simple 567 circuit is found here. The timing function can be implemented by this circuit using a 555. To generate the tones through the sound card, this is probably the way to go.
Will update when I actually construct the circuit and make it work.
UPDATE 2009-06-01: Don't forget a flyback diode (1N4148?) across the relay!
Labels: Watchdog for Asterisk