Victor Davis Hanson on Election 2004
VDH is not only a cool-headed thinker, but he is also a very gracious (too gracious, I think) writer. His article on Election 2004 focuses more on “style” (of the Kerry camp, that is) than on “substance,” and portrays the characters in that camp as essentially of good nature. For instance, he writes of Teresa Heinz-Kerry,
So despite her elegance, intelligence, wealth, and verve, Teresa Heinz Kerry throughout the campaign has proven to be a walking time bomb.And again,
... and her earlier promises to tap her fortune if the campaign got rough and we are left with the image not of a kindhearted philanthropist (which she probably really is), but a headstrong, do-it-my-way heiress, using a deceased Republican's fortune to subsidize trendy Democratic causes while retaining the lifestyle of the true corporate capitalist.Wealth? Yes, but elegance? intelligence? kindhearted philanthropist? Prof. Hanson, you’ve taught me a great lesson, namely, to think of others in the best possible light and not to pass judgment. And I mean this sincerely.
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