Auffie’s Random Thoughts

Friday, January 07, 2005

Demos and torture

Are the Democrats really against torture, or are they trying to score political points by grilling the AG nominee, Alberto Gonzales? Heather MacDonald has written a good article on the current kerfuffle.

I guess, for Democrats, torture is all right if it is inflicted on American soldiers: to wit, the testimonies given by Vietnam veterans in the film Stolen Honor. They suffered real torture under the Viet Communists, while John Kerry was giving the enemy aid and comfort by his antiwar activities back home. Was not John Kerry at least indirectly responsible for the torture that these veterans went through? Why were the Demos trying to suppress this film?

Of course, the torture/Abu Ghraib issue is just some concocted connection. The purpose of the Justice Department memos was to study the extent to which the Geneva Convention would apply to illegal combatants, if at all; and to study what interrogation techniques could be applied without constituting torture. No policy that led to torture was actually approved or implemented.

Besides, for all their ability to see nuances, the Demos seem incredibly blind to the negative consequences to American lives if we treat the terrorists too nicely. And they want to be the ones holding executive power during this difficult war?


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