Auffie’s Random Thoughts

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

My idea for fixing Social Security

Since Leftists believe that you don’t need more than about $40,000 a year to live a reasonably comfortable life (why else would Taxifornia levy 9.3% on anything above that?), there seems to be a lot of private wealth out there that is unnecessary. Let’s begin with John and Teresa Kerry. By their own Leftist argument, they really don’t need all those billion dollars. Let’s be generous and leave them with $10 million, which can easily generate $500,000 (more than six times $80,000 which is enough for both of them) without depleting the principal. The remaining $990 million should be given to the Social Security Trust Fund.

Apply the same to every Leftist—politicians, Hollywood jokers, et al.—who is effectively worth more than $10 million (“effectively” because they may have a great deal of their wealth hidden in trusts and foundations that they largely have control over), and we can probably make Social Security last a little while longer.


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