Auffie’s Random Thoughts

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Lunch with a somewhat leftist former colleague

Well, one can be on reasonably friendly terms with others who do not share one’s political views. Living in an area where a majority of people are left-leaning (whether with good-will or will-to-power), it is hard not to have colleagues and associates who are in the opposite end of the political spectrum.

I had lunch yesterday with a former colleague, and I have known him to be left-leaning. He is a nice person, and I would think well of him by granting him the status of the good-will type not the will-to-power type. In our conversations I tried to stay away from political issues, but in this politically hypercharged year it is difficult not to talk a little about the presidential election. He told me that he knew whom I voted for, but he said he wanted to ask me why a thinking person would vote for W. I took a little offense at this, but then I thought to myself, I probably have the reciprocal attitude toward Kerry voters anyway. (Oh, he is not yet a citizen, but is thinking about becoming one. Rats! another Demo to dilute my vote ...)

So I got over the offense pretty quickly, and again since I thought of him as the good-will type I would say he really wanted to see what people on the opposite end think. We had a pleasant discussion overall, and I was happy to see some of my blind spots in argumentation and get some insight into the way he thought.

Still, the kind of hubris and contempt that the elitist leftists exhibit for us common men tick me off. At least by voting Republican (really as a not-very-good proxy for classical liberalism), I am showing respect for everyone else and really saying that everyone, regardless of his circumstance or social position, knows best how to run his life and business. The socialist elites think that they know how to run everyone else’s life and business, when in fact they don’t know jack. I think the American people deep in their heart know this and reject it, and they detest the condescension of the elites. Note to Demos and Euros: calling us stupid is not going to make us think you are smart and like you better. Get real.


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