Auffie’s Random Thoughts

Saturday, October 02, 2004

John Kerry the debater — ship him to the U.N.

Many of my fellow conservatives (for the lack of a better term) appear dismayed at W.’s performance on Thursday night. Although it is arguable that Kerry “won” on overall presentation (most polls show this, which is being spread around by MSM), the internals of the Gallup poll tell a slightly different story (nuances, please!): People still trust Bush more than Kerry. My nephew’s instinct is right: Kerry is all talk and no action. (In fact, his “actions,” as judged by his voting record, have been worse than no action.) W. is not known to be a good speaker, and he tends to repeat himself a lot with simple phrases. But it is more important in practice for a President to be a doer than a talker.

Here’s an idea for Senator Kerry. Since he is a good debater, the U.N. seems to be a perfectly good place for him. The U.N. is the world’s foremost debate society, and it has been doing more harm than good. Genocides and massacres have taken place under Kofi Annan’s watch, and all the U.N. can do is to debate whether a war is illegal, or once in a while to issue resolutions that it has no intention of enforcing, while people are getting slaughtered. Worse yet, the oil-for-food scandal has shown the U.N. to be indeed an utterly corrupt organization. Why doesn’t Senator Kerry go for Kofi Annan’s position as the Secretary General, and get some real reform done there? (Actually I would rather see the U.N. demolished, but substantive reform is preferrable to its present state of being.)


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